Tag: angry

Easter vs. Christmas

It’s Easter again.  I do not feel ready. I am not ready.  I did not give up anything for lent.  If I live through tomorrow, I have met my goals:  survive the first quarter of 2018 and not pay any IRS penalties for underpayment on last year’s return.  Why do I spend eleven months preparing for Christmas but Easter, which should be the biggest holiday of my year, gets mashed in between second quarter report cards, spring break, and taxes?  

Exercising My Right . . . Not To

At first I thought I was not writing because of busyness.  The week between Christmas and New Year’s I had script contest deadlines followed by an out of town weekend with my husband to celebrate our 15th Anniversary.  Then came post-holiday cleaning and all that necessary work at the beginning of a new year.

Then I thought I was not writing because I was angry. 

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